Have you ever daydreamed about what your dream home would be like? How you would feel while you’re there, where you’d put all your favorite things and how you’d decorate it?
We believe that everyone deserves to live in the home of their dreams, and we’ve put together some tips to help you design yours!
Tip #1: Put your family’s needs first.
Do you have a large family? Space for everyone to gather around to eat and spend time together is probably high on your list of necessities. An open floor plan and several bedrooms and bathrooms should be added to your list.
Is it important to have your main level living on one level? Or will you mind walking up and downstairs with baskets full of laundry? Think through where all your appliances should be, in line with your lifestyle.
Pets mean muddy paws. Is a mud room with a dog door a necessity? Or unnecessary for your lifestyle?
Do you love to spend time outside and entertain during the warm season? Consider a seamless indoor/outdoor transition from your kitchen and living area into to the back patio/yard.
Maybe you prefer to recreate inside and family movie nights are a must. Would your dream home include a large family room downstairs?
Tip #2: Balance your budget with your style.
Everyone has a budget when building a new home and we specialize in building luxury homes on a budget. Make a list of items that are an absolute necessity to your style and design. Maybe you’ve always dreamed of having an oversized soaking tub, or a master suite or a certain type of tile. Then make a list of things you’re willing to compromise on, or cross off your list. Work with your builder to get quotes on the items you want and make sure they fit into your overall budget. Your builder should help you stay under budget and help you find replacements or other options for things that might put you over.
Tip #3: Assess your style choices vs. current trends.
We all love watching HGTV or following dream home boards on Pinterest. But what’s in style now, might not be in style two years from now. When choosing colors, features, cabinets and tile, think through if you love it because it’s ‘in’ or you love it because you really love it and always imagined your home to have it. Are you content with design choices you make now, or will you hate your blue kitchen cabinets in two years and want to paint them? Thinking through big style design choices now vs. how you’ll feel about them in the future can save you thousands of dollars down the road!
Tip #4: Think about your current lifestyle and what you would change in your home now.
Make a list of all the things you wish you could change about your current home and incorporate them into your new design.
Do you cook constantly for your large family? Having a large island to prep food on and gather around might be at the top of your list. Maybe you are tired of walking across the kitchen to scrape food into the trash before putting it in dishwasher so your new house should include a garbage on the left-hand side of the sink and the dishwasher on the right so you have a seamless assembly line.
Are you tired of hauling laundry up and down stairs? Design your new home with the laundry room right off your master walk in closet. Love a hot cup of coffee and a good book to relax outside in the morning? Consider adding a coffee bar and front and/or back patio to fit into your routine.
The last and most important tip we can give is to interview various builders and make sure you find one that cares about keeping you under budget and will work with you to include all of your necessities and desires into your dream home without breaking the bank.
If you’re ready to take the next step to making your dream home a realty, click here to get in touch with us!